My2024 Public

Emy Letertre: Le secret de Murphy (Paperback, french language, Albin Michel jeunesse)

Heather Fawcett: Emily Wildes Map of the Otherlands (2024, Random House Publishing Group)

Das Jahr, in dem ich wieder a…
Created by Esthi
My2024 Public

Jules Wake: The Secrets of Latimer House (Paperback, 2021, One More Chapter)

Fanny Stenhouse: Tell It All, Woman's Life in Polygamy (2019, Independently Published)

Das Jahr, in dem ich wieder a…
Created by Esthi
Postmodernism Public
A list of postmodern literatu…
Created by Paranoid Fish
Digitale Albträume Public
Bücher, die in der Veranstalt…
Created by Dentaku (Thomas Renger) and managed by Lesekreis Zukunft