Tiger! Tiger!

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Alfred Bester: Tiger! Tiger! (Paperback, Mandarin)

Paperback, 256 Seiten

Veröffentlicht von Mandarin.

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5 stars (1 Bewertung)

5 editions

reviewed Tiger! tiger! by Alfred Bester (Classic science fiction)

Review of 'Tiger! tiger!' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Maybe four stars? But the sheer audacity of it, the throwaway ideas and scenes that would be enough for a hundred silver-age DC stories, the proto-cyberpunk - tiger tattoo, burning man, radioactive scientist/special agent, a retro-future not unlike Cordwainer Smith's, psionics, technically enhanced human bodies, grisly high-speed open-heart surgery (well, heart removal, actually), seeing outside the visible spectrum - all this makes me honour this with all five stars. It is a perfect example of what it is.
Flaws: The ending, too fast. The main character's growth, too fast. The story calls out for 800+ pages, but I'm still glad I got to take the 250-page-rollercoaster. (Definitely more a six-part tv series rather than a single film.)


  • Fantasy
  • Science fiction